Thursday Social Ride – Woodend – 8th October 2015
8 riders assembled for this mornings ride from Woodend, good to see Morgan back riding before his exams are due, and rode one of our regular routes to Kyneton and back via Newham due to the predicted North wind to have a tail wind on the return ride. The ride was ridden at a brisk pace with Roscoe & Donna shortening the ride back directly to Woodend from the end of Chases Lane as Roscoe was supposed to be elsewhere and did not want to ride the longer distance, the other 6 continued on to Newham where only Ken M and Brett rode up Bryces Lane and the other 4 wimped out and rode direct back to Woodend. However all were together to have a chat at the coffee stop after the ride.
A good ride was had by all.