Ride News
Sunday Social Ride – Woodend – 25th October 2015
22 riders assembled this morning under threatening skies in Woodend which soon gave way to a good morning for riding and fortunately the north wind had not started to strengthen prior to the turning point of the ride and the tail wind back to Woodend was very welcome. The riders were also joined along the route by 2 other members making the total members of 24 with one new member having his first ride with the club.
All but 2 riders rode up to Straws Lane with the other 2 riders not wanting to ride down Straws Lane because of the steep descent. Some of the riders also had to pull out of the ride at Straws Lane due to other committments and returned home. 5 riders rode the longer route to Lancefield and the remaining 15 rode the shorter route.
A good ride was had by all and the coffee stop in Woodend was as usual enjoyable.