Ride News
Sunday Social Ride – Kyneton – 1st November 2015
18 members assembled in Kyneton under very cloudy, misty conditions for this mornings ride but fortunately as the ride progressed the skies started to clear and the low cloud started to burn off and lift so that by the time the ride was getting back to Kyneton there were patches of sunshine. (Memo to LH that when you get away from the weather at home most times it is much better). The ride conditions were ideal as the cloud stopped the weather from getting to warm and with the light breeze the ride back into Kyneton was easier than expected. The group were joined on the ride by Sharon who was late arriving at the starting point and drove her car to meet us making 19 riders in all.
6 riders rode the short route and the remaining 13 (Bakers Dozen) the longer ride, all riders were kept well fed on the longer ride as Roscoe had a backpack full of goodies to eat and we got silver service as a result. The riders on the longer ride are all officially now classed as deviants as when the group approached the turning point to ride to Woodend North Dave ( 2 Coffee Stop) made sure he was in the front of the group and proceeded to turn towards Kyneton and of course the other sheep all followed, self included, even though most said shouldn’t we be going the other way, as a result the ride distance was reduced to 59ms. However we managed to give him a good serve and have a laugh back at the coffee shop.
A great ride was had by all.