Ride News
Sunday Social Ride – Woodend – 17th January 2016
A new record number of 30 riders assembled in Woodend this morning on a beautiful morning for riding including a first time rider John, with the numbers equally split between the shorter and longer rides. The 15 riders on the longer route were dispatched a few minutes ahead of the riders on the shorter route. One of our newer lady riders climbed Mt Macedon Road to Straws Lane for the first time, a great effort which was followed by the descent of Straws Lane also a first.
The riders also had the added benefit of having a favorable tail wind back to Woodend which was enjoyable after the head wind and cross head wind on portions of the ride.
The riders on the longer ride had the mandatory coffee shop in Lancefield because as Dave was riding he was being urged on by Roscoe who was heard to mention on multiple occasions to Dave about whether they were having a coffee stop. Also one of the ladies on the longer rideĀ had the misfortune to come off her bike in Lancefield, no names mentioned just initials (D.J) when a car pulled out from parking and abruptly turned in front of her and she was unable to unclip from the pedals in time as she braked suddenly andĀ took a bit of bark of her knees. All riders managed to safely return to Woodend for a further coffee stop.
After the usual chat and banter everybody proceeded home after another enjoyable ride.