Ride News
Sunday Social Ride – Gisborne – 17th July 2016
16 riders assembled in Gisborne this morning under fine but very windy conditions. 5 riders rode the longer route and the remaining 11 rode the medium route with one rider cutting the ride distance short. Riders were joined by Rob during the ride making a total of 17 members who were silly enough to be out on their bikes today. The number of otherĀ riders out today showed that us cyclists are a hardy lot. Whilst we were riding towards Sunbury the conditions were great because of the tail wind but things soon changed when we turned into Deverall Road, an instantaneous change from riding on the large chain ring to the small for most of the riders and the battle back to Gisborne into the now head wind.
As today’s maps for the ride were new routes I managed to get them all confused which meant that 6 of the riders on the medium ride rode an extra 8km making their ride 45km instead of the 37km as published. What is that they say, “If you don’t do any work you never make a mistake” anyhow that is the excuse I am falling back on. At least it meant a good ride back to Gisborne with the tail wind from Macedon.
I managed to cop a fair amount of banter back at the cafe over not being able to read the maps etc. The good part of today’s ride was that those members who rode to the start would have enjoyed the tail wind back to their respective homes. All in all a good morning was had even allowing for the difficult conditions.