Ride News
Sunday Ride – Kyneton – 10th February 2019
29 riders arrived in Kyneton this morning for today’s ride. Weather conditions were cool early which warmed up during the ride and good riding conditions were enjoyed by all. We had one first time rider with us also this morning.
One rider rode a modified short ride, 20 riders rode the medium ride and the remaining 8 rode the longer ride. Unfortunately on the medium ride there was an accident after a clash of wheels resulted in one rider falling heavily. One of our members, a former ambulance officer was with us and a nurse also stopped to render assistance. An ambulance was called and the group directed traffic while we waited for the ambulance. The rider was then transferred to hospital by ambulance for evaluation and observation.
Once back at the cafe there was a reduced number due to the wait by the medium riders and some members who had completed their ride had already left. The usual refreshments were enjoyed with subdued chatter before we left for home.