Ride News
Sunday Ride – Gisborne – 12th May 2019
21 members assembled in Gisborne this morning for today’s ride. Weather conditions were cold, windy with some sunshine patches. The long ride encountered some misty rain at the top of Kerrie Valley and around Woodend before riding out of the weather and back to sunshine.
9 riders rode the medium ride and the remaining 12 rode the long ride. One rider on the long ride rode a modified version as he had time commitments. The long ride was fast for the first third of the ride followed by the climb up Kerrie Valley and a fast ride back to Gisborne to finish the ride. There were 2 lady members on the long ride who had never climbed Kerrie Valley before and both made the climb OK. I am unsure as to the medium ride but I assume there were some modifications of the published ride due to time constraints and the cold weather.
When the riders on the long ride arrived back at the cafe the others had already left so the usual refreshments were enjoyed by that group. I imagine riders on the medium ride were the same.