Ride News
Sunday ride – Woodend – 19th May 2019
27 riders arrived in Woodend this morning for today’s ride. Weather conditions were a little cool early with a Northerly wind blowing. As the ride progressed the day warmed up and ended being a good day to be out on the bike. As the wind conditions were favourable all rides were conducted at a good pace with tail wind conditions for a large portion of the rides.
11 riders rode the long ride, 16 rode the medium ride with 4 riders electing to not climb Mt Macedon Road. 2 riders who climbed Mt Macedon modified the medium ride with one returning to Woodend at Newham and the other joined up with another club member at Straws Lane and they rode multiple climbs to the Camels Hump and back.
All riders were back together at the cafe for the usual refreshments and chatter before we all headed home.