Thursday Ride – Woodend – 1st August 2019
6 members arrived in Woodend this morning to tackle today’s conditions. The weather was very cold with a strengthening south wind blowing. Even when the sun began to shine through it never felt warm. We also had Bruce riding with us for the first time in many months. Remarkable what a 100km event coming up will do to encourage people to get out on the bike in this weather to prepare for the ride.
We rode our usual 53km loop out to Newham via Bryces Lane, then 3 Chain Road to Chases Lane and turning for the ride back to Woodend at Batters Lane. The wind while mainly a tail wind early with sections where it was a cross head wind before becoming a full head wind for the ride back to Woodend.
Once back in Woodend it was into the warmth of the cafe for the usual chatter and refreshments before heading home.