Thursday Ride – Woodend – 10th October 2019
9 members arrived in Woodend this morning for today’s ride on a cold, foggy morning, with damp roads and a southerly wind blowing. As the ride progressed and we road away from Woodend the skies began to lift and for the most part the roads had completely dried.
6 riders rode our normal 52km loop out to Newham via Bryces Lane, then 3 Chain Road, Chases Lane, and turning at Batters Lane for the ride back to Woodend. The remaining 3 riders rode the same loop except for the Bryces Lane section. We had a tail wind or cross tail wind for the ride out to Batters Lane followed by the inevitable head wind for the ride back to Woodend. The magpies seem to have quietened down a little bit with the only rider being swooped who happened to be on their own at the time and had 3 different magpies having a go. We also spent time having to dodge a kangaroo running towards us on Boundary Road which was a little different.
Once back at Woodend it was into the warmth of the cafe for the usual chatter and refreshments before heading home.