Thursday Ride – Woodend – 17th October 2019
7 members arrived in Woodend this morning for today’s ride. Weather conditions were not at all favourable for cycling with a very cold westerly wind blowing, intermittent showers and the temperature feeling not much above zero. Nearly as bad as our worst winter day rides. As we commenced riding the skies began to clear and by the time we reached Newham the sun began to shine through and the roads dried out. Even with the sun shining the temperature did not appear to increase.
We rode our usual 53km loop to Newham, 3 Chain Road, Chases Lane and turning for the ride back to Woodend at Batters Lane. The ride was basically head wind out and tail wind back. 1 rider decided not to ride the Chases Lane loop because of the cold and rode a 45 km approx loop back to Woodend by not riding Chases Lane.
Back at the cafe it was the usual chatter and refreshments before we all headed home.