Beechworth Ride News – 4th Dec to 7th Dec
Thursday 4th Dec
Beechworth to Everton Rail TrailĀ 35.9k
Kevin, Lance, Lawrie & Ken rode the above ride in the afternoon and if any one tells you that rail trails are flat then this one is definitely not with approx 17k fast downhill and a long climb back of about 3.5% average gradient.
Other members including Luke, Andrew, Linda & Sharon arrived later in the afternoon and evening.
Friday 5th Dec
Porpunkah to top of Mt Buffalo 51.9k
Kevin, Lance, Ken, Lawrie, Luke, Andrew, Linda all completed the climb in warm conditions and were safely in the Rail Trail Cafe when the rain started pelting down.
Myrtleford to Bright 62k
Therese, Sue, John, Sharon had reached Bright and were on the return passing through Porpunkah getting very wet when they spotted us and joined us at the cafe when arrangements were made to ferry people back to Myrtleford to collect cars etc.
Saturday 6th Dec
Beechworth to Myrtleford via Everton 90.9k
Kevin,Andrew, Ken, Luke, Christine,Linda, Sue, John, Neil, Sharon, Rhonda & Pat all started from Beechworth
Everton to Myrtleford 55k
Lance & Lawrie chose to ride the shorter option
After everybody had lunch in Myrtleford riders commenced the ride back and a downpour commenced when riders still had about 27k to get back to Beechworth. All riders arrived back soaking wet and the order of the day was wet gear drying out on balconies. The rain stopped after everyone got back and an enjoyable BBQ evening meal was had by all.
Sunday 7th Dec
Myrtleford to Bright 62k
Even though everyone was wearing some sort of wet gear, mainly shoes, gloves all riders rode one the options for the day.
Luke, Kevin, Linda, Ken, Pat took off early with Christine, Neil and Rhonda starting later.
All riders on the ride got caught in the rain towards the end of the ride.
Myrtleford to Lake Buffalo 48k
Lawrie, Therese, Lance, Andrew & Sharon rode to Lake Buffalo and got back just as the rain was starting
A thoroughly enjoyable time was had by all over the days they were there and even when the weather forecast was bad all riders were geared up and ready when the time to commence began.