Thursday Social Ride – Woodend – 28th May 2015
3 hardy soles turned out for this mornings ride, Ken M, Jennie and Donna and rode a 44k ride out to Carlshrue and back via Newham, Bryces Lane, Straws Lane. The weather was a little misty in Woodend but by the time we had cleared the township sunshine prevailed for the rest of the ride. Ross G arrived to late to join in the ride but after multiple coffees waiting for the other riders to return he was last sighted heading to Macedon to ride the south side of Mt Macedon back to Woodend.
3 Hearty Cheers for both Jennie and Donna who climbed the ascent of Straws Lane to Mt Macedon Road for the first time. A great achievement as the gradient is in excess of 10% for most the way.