Ride News
Sunday Social Ride – Gisborne – 18th October 2015
18 riders assembled on a cool start to the ride in Gisborne this morning and it was good to welcome back Kevin and Chris who have not ridden with us for some months.
13 riders rode the longer circuit with two riders riding the short short version and the remaining 3 the short circuit. The low cloud lifted during the ride and conditions improved dramatically after that. Ross O also won his race yesterday so hearty congrats to him and Roscoe looked the worse for wear ( or maybe that how he looks all the time) as he had been up all night tending a sick horse. The rides were conducted at a good pace and apart from the headwind back into Gisborne conditions were excellent for riding which was followed by the mandatory coffee stop at our usual haunt.
An enjoyable time was had by all prior to the ride/ drive home.