Thursday Social Ride – Woodend – 28th January 2016
6 riders assembled in cool conditions with the threat of rain, but fortunately we managed to complete the entire ride just as a few drops of rain began to fall as we were putting bikes back into cars. We rode a 55k loop up to Chases Lane via Mowbrays road because one of our riders wanted to go down the section of gravel (David) and like sheep everyone followed with some minor complaints. We then came back via Batters Lane and then 3 chain road to Newham and back to Woodend. Once we reached the end of Chases Lane at the start of the ride we mainly rode all the way back with a tail wind or at worst a cross tail wind which made for a good ride after the initial harder slog into the head wind.
A good ride was had by all those riding and everyone then enjoyed the coffee shop chatter.