Ride News
Sunday Social Ride – Gisborne – 16th April 2017
18 riders arrived in Gisborne for this mornings ride. Conditions were overcast with only minimal breeze. We rode modified routes for today’s ride due to dangerous conditions with tourists on Mt Macedon Road. We rode the Baringo Loop first then went to Gisborne and completed the remainder of the ride to the south of the town away from the mount.
10 riders rode the longer ride and the remaining 8 the medium ride with one rider on the longer ride dropping back to the medium ride. This left both groups at 9 riders each. Ride distances were approx 42km and 60km. Riders from the medium ride were all at the cafe in Gisborne when the longer ride group returned. A good time was had by all before members proceeded back to their cars for the journey home.