Thursday Social Ride – Woodend – 14th September 2017
2 riders rode from Woodend this morning (Donna and I). Conditions were cold with a strong west wind blowing . We rode a 41km loop up the mount to Straws Lane, Newham, Carlshrue and back via Russells Road. Donna also said I had to mention that I beat her up the climb to Straws Lane, however she stopped on the way up to remove her rain jacket, so I suspect that was the only reason.
We had a good ride on mainly dry roads apart from the areas under trees on Mt Macedon Road. The difficult parts of the ride were along 3 Chain Road and Russells Road which were straight into the wind. Once with the tail wind it was good riding with wind assistance
Once back at the cafe it was good to get into the warmth and have a refreshing hot drink before heading home.