Ride News
Sunday Social Ride – Kyneton – 15th October 2017
30 riders arrived in Kyneton this morning for today’s ride. Nearly a record number of riders on our social rides. Weather conditions were close to perfect, the sun was shining and there was very little breeze. It was good to see some of our members who have been missing over the cold months back riding with us again. It was still a little bit cool at the start so judging what to wear for the ride was a tricky.
18 riders rode the medium ride and the remaining 12 rode the longer ride with the group splitting into 2 with 7 in the faster group and 5 in the slower group. Riders on both rides rode modified versions of the rides by eliminating one or more sections to shorten the ride. Also one rider on the medium ride missed a turn off and rode an extra 2.5km before turning back to the correct road. No names mentioned ( Initial of J) and ended up riding an extra 5km’s.
About half of the riders were at the cafe when I arrived back. There was considerable banter about everyone shortening the rides. Maybe as punishment I will have to include a 100km ride next week. (Joking everyone). After refreshments we all departed for home.