Thursday Ride – Woodend -27th December 2018
6 riders arrived in Woodend this morning for today’s ride. 3 other members were out earlier to beat the heat. 4 others missed the early start email or did not get the email at all. The morning was getting warm as we started and the wind was also strengthening.
We rode a modified 42km version of our normal route by eliminating Chases Lane and adding in Russells Rd and Crows Rd. The early part of the ride appeared to be into the wind until we turned at Cobb & Co to head back to Woodend where we had some wind assistance.
Dave’s bike also had an occurrence of a previous issue where it did not want to turn when on the way back to the cafe. Once back at the cafe it was the usual chatter and refreshments with the other members who also arrived at the cafe before we had departed for home.