Thursday Ride – Woodend – 14th November 2019
5 members arrived in Woodend this morning under grey skies and some misty cloud present with a strong North Westerly Wind blowing. The sun began to shine soon after we commenced riding and we had sections of sunshine followed by overcast skies. Numbers were down as a few members were away at this time.
We rode our usual ride out to Newham via Bryces Lane, 3 Chain Rd, Chases Lane and turning for the ride back to Woodend at Batters Lane. The ride out to Batters was mainly a head wind or cross head wind. Once in Batters Lane we then had a tail wind for most of the way back to Woodend except nearing Woodend the wind seemed to shift to a more South Westerly direction just to make things difficult. Ride speed was good considering the amount of head wind riding.
Back at the cafe it was the usual chatter and refreshments before we all headed home.