Sunday Club Ride – Kyneton- 15th March 2020
21 riders assembled in Kyneton this morning. The weather was cold with cloudy skies and a very strong South Easterly wind blowing. 2 other members who were riding from Gisborne were delayed when one of them had a puncture. Due to the delay they missed the ride a rode a modified ride before heading home. We also had 2 firstĀ time riders with us this morning. The first half of the ride was into a cross head wind followed by a cross tail wind for the ride back to Kyneton.
8 riders rode the medium ride and the remaining 13 rode a modified version of the long ride. The long ride split into 2 groups with the faster 7 in the first group and the slower 6 following.
Most of the riders were together in the warmth at the cafe for the usual chatter and refreshments before we all headed home.