Thursday Social Ride – Woodend – 10th December 2015
14 riders assembled for this mornings ride which is a record number for the Thursday rides. It is excellent to see the growth of the Thursday rides. We rode a route of 54 km out to Newham via Bryces Lane then on to Chases Lane and back via Kyneton. Brett had the misfortune of having his water bottle bounce out on the bumps coming down Bryces Lane which meant he had to stop and retrieve the bottle. The weather conditions were great with a slight headwind early and mainly a tail wind on the way back, and the day was just starting to heat up by the end of the ride.
11 riders rode the full route as two had to cut short the ride due to a family or a work commitment and 1 rider decided he needed some hill climbing work and so rode over Mt Macedon from the Gisborne side and then joined us for coffee and then later rode up the Woodend side of the Mount with one of our newer club members. It would be nice if we were all mountain goats like that but us lesser mortals have to make do with less climbing.
A great ride was had by all.