Thursday Social Ride – Woodend – 12th May 2016
3 riders attended for this mornings ride after leaving their homes in sunny conditions to arrive at Woodend with the weather the usual for this time of the year. Cloudy, Overcast with misty rain, a wonderful morning for a ride.
We rode a 40k loop out to and down Bryces Lane, Newham, Carlshrue and back to Woodend. Most of the ride was conducted in dry conditions except for a few minutes near Chases Lane where we all put on our rain jackets which fortunately were only required for a couple of minutes and by the time we turned to head back to Woodend any rain had stopped and a good ride back with the tail wind was appreciated.
Considering the conditions at the start when we left Woodend with the potential for things to get worse the ride was enjoyable and dry.
The warmth of the cafe was then most appreciated.