Ride News
Sunday Social Ride- Gisborne – 26th October 2014
18 riders turned out for this mornings ride in brisk conditions in Gisborne, but as the ride progressed things warmed up and an enjoyable ride was had by all.
10 riders commenced the long ride and 8 the shorter ride, but as both rides followed nearly the same route early except the routes changed with the more difficult ride going up over Mt Gisborne and the shorter route bypassing Mt Gisborne the numbers changed to 11 and 7 riders.
When the groups got back to Gisborne confusion reigned as the longer riders group took a wrong turn so we then had 12 riders on the short ride and 5 on the long ride. It just shows that being a good rider does not mean that you can read map directions.
Everyone all joined up at the end and had coffee and a relax in Gisborne.