Thursday Social Ride – Woodend – 14th January 2016
9 riders assembled this morning on a very cold morning which was the complete opposite to the day before. A strong cold south westerly wind blowing with the threat of rain but fortunately we only had a couple of spits of rain very early in the ride and after that the weather was just like some of our rides in the middle of winter. Most riders were not dressed for the conditions even though some riders had either arm warmers or rain jackets or both, except for the few hardy souls who were dressed for a warm summer day.
We rode a 39km route along Cheveley Road to Carlshrue Central Road then back to Chanters Lane and returned to Woodend along Ashbourne Road. The wind made things difficult riding along Chanters Lane as we were riding directly into the wind at that stage but as we turned into Ashbourne Road we started to have a tail wind which made the ride back into Woodend a much more pleasant ride.
The coffee stop was a welcome relief but as the shop was fairly crowded and we were seated outside we did not stay for a very long time. However everybody enjoyed the ride particularly as the temperature was a lot better than the day before.