Thursday Social Ride – Woodend – 10th march 2016
2 brave riders turned up this morning under fog and misty rain, “where are all the fair weather wimps” who did not arrive. The only brave souls were Donna and myself and after some discussion under shelter and waiting for others to show their faces we decided to have a ride. For all those who missed out we had a great ride and except for the some light misty rain at the start in the first few km’s we rode into dry roads and clear skies with some nice sunshine as often happens when we ride in a northerly direction away from Woodend. Then the problem became whether to take off rain jackets or not, Donna decided to remove the sleeves on her rain jacket and I decided to leave mine on and got very hot and sweaty under the jacket.
We rode a 47km loop out to Newham via Boundary Rd, Chases Lane, Batters Lane back to Woodend and we had no further rain (wimps take note).
We then had an enjoyable coffee together before heading for home.