Ride News
Sunday Social Ride – Gisborne – 13th March 2016
12 riders (members with no sense including Lawrie who never rides in the rain) assembled this morning in Gisborne under extremely foggy and wet conditions. The published rides for the day were cancelled as it was considered to dangerous to ride up Mt Macedon Road and down the Gisborne side with the wet road conditions as well as going through the Baringo Valley for the same reasons, so instead we went south via Weigall Road then back to Gisborne along Deverall Road. Unfortunately the conditions in Coungalt Road were so foggy that finding your way was difficult and riding single file with a fair distance between riders was the order of the day, then when we climbed Deverall Road it was impossible to see very far ahead which meant that you had no idea how far up the climb you had ridden until you got to the top.
After everyone assembled further up the road there was a mutiny led by Dave and others, that is everyone decided that the cafe in Gisborne was a better option that continuing to ride. By the time we arrived back in Gisborne the fog was beginning to clear a little and the rain had stopped.
After refreshments including a pizza that Roscoe declined to share with his fellow ridersĀ Dave decided he was going to catch the train back home so Jennie and I accompanied him to the train station just to make sure he caught the train and didn’t end up in the cafe at the station, then Jennie and I continued on into Baringo where I rode the complete loop back to Gisborne in glorious sunshine. Marvelous what a difference an hour in the cafe makes to the weather.