Thursday Ride – Woodend – 4th October 2018
5 riders arrived in Woodend this morning for today’s ride. Weather conditions were cold, sunny with a very strong South Easterly wind blowing. 2 riders elected not to ride because of the strong wind. The other 3 went on their merry way.
We rode a 43km modified version of our normal Thursday ride and climbed Mt Macedon Road to Straws Lane out of the wind. Then down Straws Lane, Bryces Lane, Newham and out to Carlshrue and then back to Woodend. The first portion of the ride up the mount and out to Carlshrue was either protected from the wind or a tail wind, cross tail wind. Once we turned at Carlshrue to head back to Woodend it was straight into the wind all the way back. Not fun.
As we had been in the wind for all of the ride it was inside at the cafe out of the wind for refreshments and a chat before heading home.