13 Feb

Thursday Club Ride – Woodend – 13th February 2020

8 members assembled in Woodend this morning for today’s ride. Weather conditions were very cool and foggy with a strengthening south east wind blowing as we arrived. Once we were riding by about Newham the skies had begun to clear and from there the morning temperature began to increase.

The ride split into 2 groups with 5 riders riding our usual 53km loop out to Newham via Bryces Lane, 3 Chain Rd, Chases Lane and turning for the back to Woodend at Batters Lane.

The remaining 3 riders eliminated both the Bryces Lane and Chases Lane loops for a distance of 40kms. Riding conditions were very similar to previous weeks with a tail wind for most of the way out to Batters Lane and a head wind back to Woodend. By the time the ride finished the morning was beginning warm up.

Once back at the cafe it was the usual chatter and refreshments before we all headed home.